WRISTS - Level 1 - 12.06.21

24 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Block + 1 Light Hand Weight

Joint and range specific mobility training for the wrists. After warming up the wrists and all neighbouring joints, learn a positional isometric exercise to increase capacity and control in wrist extension, a prerequisite for any weight-bearing shapes and patters with our hands on the floor.

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NECK - Level 1 - 01.03.22

22 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Block + 1 Wall

Joint and range specific training for the neck. We begin with a complete warm up for the neck (cervical) and middle (thoracic) spine. We then train the neck tissues with resistance forces in order to grow our capacity and overall control. We end with neck rotations and a moment to take stock of the fruits of our labour.

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TOES - Level 1- 02.14.22

18 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Block + Wall Space

Joint and range specific training for the toe joints. We begin with a passive and active mobility warm-up for the toes and ankles. We then train the deep big toe joint tissues for toe extension using passive and active inputs. Growing our capacity and overall control for big toe extension helps to improve our gait (our manner when walking). Leave feeling more freedom and confidence about every step you take.

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HIPS - Level 1-2 - 12.20.21

30 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Block + 1 Chair

Joint and range specific trading for the hip. We begin with a few short tests to gather insight on our capacity for internal rotation in a few ranges. We then, warm up the hip joint in two ways and train the joint to grow capacity and control in this very important range.

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LOWER SPINE + PELVIS - Level 1-2 - 01.10.21

25 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Block + 1 Bolster

Joint and range specific training for the lower spine and pelvis. We begin with a complete warm up for the lumbopelvic region and their neighbouring joints. We then train the lower spine tissues using internal resistance in order to grow our capacity and overall control for lumbar flexion and extension. Leave feeling more freedom and support in your lower trunk.

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MIDDLE SPINE - Level 1-2 - 01.17.21

25 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Block + 1 Squish Ball + 1 Blanket

Joint and range specific training for the middle spine. We begin with a complete warm up, both passive and active, for the thoracic spine. We then train these spinal tissues using internal resistance in order to grow our capacity and overall control for thoracic flexion and extension.

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KNEES - Level 1-2 - 01.31.22

22 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Towel + 2 Chair + Wall Space

Joint and range specific training for the knee joint. We begin with a mobility warm up for the ankles and knees. We then train the deep knee joint tissues using internal and external resistance in order to grow our capacity and overall control for internal rotation, flexion, and extension.

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ANKLES - Level 2 - 12.13.21

22 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Block (Wall for Balance Optional)

Joint and range specific mobility training for the ankles. After warming up the ankles and all the neighbouring joints, learn a positional isometric exercise to increase capacity and control in ankle dorsiflexion, a prerequisite for any weight-bearing shapes and patters with our feet on the floor.

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SHOULDERS - Level 2 - 01.24.22

20 MIN

PROPS NEEDED: 1 Block + 1 Wall Space

Joint and range specific training for the shoulder (GH) joint. We begin with a complete warm up for the shoulder blades and the main shoulder joint (the glenohumeral joint). We then train the deep shoulder tissues using internal and external resistance in order to grow our capacity and overall control for internal rotation at this joint.

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