How Can I Support Thee?

In this delicate time of great uncertainty, we are being called, as a species, to step into and stand up for our truths. The universe is extending an invitation. We are being called to mirror what is happening in the natural world around us: the necessity of slowing down and taking the time to repair what has been neglected for too long. I truly believe that breaking down is an essential part of breaking through. The innate wisdom of nature is in us, we are undoubtedly one. We are in this together.

Now, more than ever, we must listen and respond to the clear signal for repair. 

I feel clearly aligned with the healing modalities that prioritize the pathway through the body. Body-centered practices are my world. Most of you know that I have studied the art and science of movement since I was a very small child. It all started when my mother would take me to the dance studio to watch my sister. I nearly beat the screening window down, screaming to join in. I was two and a half years old and the studio where my sister studied only accepted kids who were at least 4.  My passion was so self-evident, that they made an exception and let me start right away. I had to practice on an upside-down case of Pepsi cans to reach the kiddie barre and I was still in diapers. From that day onward, I never looked back.

Movement has always been my medicine.

It wasn't until my dance became a profession that I discovered Somatics, Pilates, and Yoga -and I needed them. These practices brought me deeper into my body than any other movement-based practice I had ever experienced before. These practices helped me to heal many physical injuries and ailments. Over time, as I got deeper into my yoga studies, I began to value the art and science of stillness through meditation. 

There is so much movement happening in stillness, it's just that the shifts are very subtle. Getting really still and quiet only makes those inner shifts more clear and obvious and, therefore, much easier to listen to. I learned that to follow and trust in the body's messages is to honour your truth. The body holds so much knowledge. As I dive deeper into my own healing and evolutionary process I am listening and trusting my body over my mind. 

Over the past five years, I have been studying Relational Somatic (body-based) Psychotherapy with incredible teachers and mentors: the late Michael Sieck and Jeffrey Turner (founders of Three Fold Way), and my current teachers and mentors, Dr. Marti Glenn and Ken Bruer (founders of The Ryzio Institute). Working with thoughts and emotions through the body is transformative. We explore how various bodily (or somatic) sensations are linked to your emotional experience. The goal of this method is to encourage a more informed approach to being in the world in relation to ourselves, others, and our environment. When we have a clear understanding of ourselves and our past programs and habits, we can begin the process of coming back home to who we truly are. The healing process is most effective when our obstacles are seen, heard, safely held, and processed within a trusted relationship with a caring other. I have been supporting others in this modality for the past two years and I am happy to share that I am now a Certified Ryzio Coach. At Ryzio, we are committed to providing safe space to process thoughts and emotions while offering a wide range of grounding, integrating, and mindfulness practices. We do this in a variety of ways and I am happy to share new ways to work with me alone or along with other members of the Ryzio team in a group setting. 

We, as humans, are incredibly complex. Healing the whole-self is the key to reclaiming and celebrating the fullest expression of who you are. I believe this time is granting us the opportunity to fine-tune and move forward with intention. Let’s walk in alignment with our truths together. I am humbled, honoured, and privileged to support fellow beings on this path to greater wellbeing, deeper and closer connections, and, ultimately, towards more love and freedom. I remain committed to continued education, explorations, and experiences in all things that bring me a greater sense of my purpose here on earth. As I continue on this journey, I am seeing and sharing my gifts more clearly and courageously. I am here to support you, to help you navigate through this precious life, and to lift you up to the places you dream to go. 

I am here to hold space for you,