Courage, My Friend

Courage, my friend, you do not walk alone.
We will walk with you, and sing your spirit home.           
 -Eric Bogle

If there were ever a time to hone in on practices that encourage our body systems to shift from states of panic to peace, it’s now. I am someone who has suffered from anxious feelings for a long time without knowing it. Feeling anxious was my base-line status so it just felt normal to me. It wasn't until I discovered what life feels like without anxiety underscoring it, that I knew I wanted to commit to doing whatever it takes to feel less of it in general. In times like these, my tendency to shift into states of anxiety and/or panic is more likely. This gives me more of a reason to bulk up on the tools that I have learned along the way and to use them more frequently. It takes commitment and dedication, not much else, and the fruits of my actions far outweigh the effort. 

I have been sharing my best practices for keeping regulated on my Instagram feed @messinamovement and on my Facebook Page @lisamessinamovement. Recently, I shared two of my favorite techniques:

  • Vagal Nurturing 

  • ABC’s

Why Vagal Nurturing:
The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve in the body and here are only some of its functions:
-innervates the thoracic and abdominal organs and the entire cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, immune, and endocrine systems
-the nerve fibers send a range of information to and from multiple brain regions
-links the neck, heart, lungs, and abdomen to the brain
-responsible for healthy digestion, respiration, heart rate functioning, and balancing the nervous system
-helps us to calm down, relax, and feel safe
-decreases inflammation
-assists in fear management and to recover from stressful situations

*Follow along on social to try it!

Your ABC’s :

This one comes out of the HeartMath Institute and is very simple to do anywhere.
1. Awareness: notice what you notice about your current state. What are the body sensations and behaviors that are present when you feel outside of your window of presence? Get specific about it. Some examples are: tingling in your legs, tightness in your chest, heat in your hands, tension in your shoulders, etc.
2. Breath: Turn your attention to your breath. Follow the entirety of each inhale and exhale and notice the spaces in between. Feel where and how your body moves with your breath. Bond your mind to the simple act of breathing.
3. Connect: bring to mind what is true and good about you right now. Connecting to your safety, to the felt sense of being loved and loving, to the light inside that knows this will all pass and that you have the strength to get through it, to your inner knowing that you are not alone in this -are all examples of things you might connect to.

Check out your overall state before and after engaging in each practice. I am curious to know how it feels to incorporate these simple exercises into your daily routine. Feel free to share what arises in you, what you notice, and what shifts you may experience, or not. 

I find the techniques that I have learned along the way to be very effective especially in times when my nervous system is ramped up. It is important to note, that these tools work even better when we become more and more interested and willing to understand and face the source of our destabilizing states. We can shift our base-line states of being, it is completely possible. It just takes time, effort, support, and trust.

I am honored to support you through this. Reach out to book an online session with me.

Be Well Dear Ones,

Lisa Messina

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